Pro Enviro - how we can help you right now, and in the coming months......

By Pro Enviro Ltd
schedule26th Mar 20

For over 30 years, our area of expertise has been process optimisation through energy engineering. We build long-term partnerships with our manufacturing clients, by helping them to measure, manage and control their energy consumption. This on-going process of continuous improvement results in substantially lower energy bills, a reduced carbon footprint and a highly effective Low Carbon Strategy.


Pro Enviro has taken the decision to continue to help as many manufacturing companies as possible during this difficult and unsettling time. It is now vital for every manufacturing business to ensure that their unavoidable costs, including energy bills, are based on their actual business requirements, and that they are not inflated by ineffective processes or equipment. Therefore we are still working for you, offering our time, expertise and support via video conferencing and telephone conference calls. We continue to offer all MiM members the opportunity for a free (remote) Business Energy Efficiency Assessment, and, if applicable, help you access grant funding to support your energy efficiency projects.


We are also, like you no doubt, planning for a time post coronavirus. When ‘normal service’ is resumed, all businesses will be expected to work toward a zero carbon economy. With increased pressure to deal with the problems of climate change, diminishing natural resources and energy security, major challenges for the manufacturing industry include how to reduce their carbon emissions. Low-carbon manufacturing will be essential, and we will continue to help ever increasing numbers of responsible companies reduce their carbon footprint. Even small changes can have a big environmental impact.

If you would like to chat with one of our team of experts, or to receive our ebrochure, or would like to book a free (remote) Business Energy Efficiency Assessment, please email [email protected] . Alternatively, you can email us [email protected] to register your interest in a free on- site Business Energy Efficiency Assessment, and we will contact you as soon as we know the current restrictions are lifted and it is safe to visit our clients once again. 

Sent with very best wishes from all of us at Pro Enviro.